I’ve been on what I call a ‘radical and unconditional self-love and acceptance journey’ for several years now. Up until this point, if asked I would be the first to loudly proclaim how everything in life becomes exponentially better, when you make the conscious decision to be the One for yourself. To the be the …
Enjoy the little things
I notice this is written on the cover of my new notebook and it feels so appropriate. It’s been a rough couple of weeks, heavy emotionally, psychologically, mentally, spiritually, physically…you name it. Not just for me, but seemingly for everyone around me. These are bizarro ‘what are you made of’ kind of defining times. Yet, …
The problem with “Love your neighbour as you love yourself”
Seems like a no-brainer, right? How could I have a problem with this? Of course we want to love others and be loving people, who are unselfish and do not only care about ourselves. However, there is a big glaring hole that is being sidestepped in this very well known foundational /religious teaching. Now, before …